RGB Content
I’m Alex Krastev, also known as Krazykid, and I’m passionate about everything RGB.
To further my passion, I spend my free time working with the Corsair Utility Engine (iCUE) and Razer Chroma Studio in order to create unique lighting effects— or profiles— that support various Corsair and Razer RGB peripherals. More recently I have joined team Whirlwind FX and have an active role in the development of it's unique hardware and software.

Music Production
I produce music with Ableton Live 10, which is a professional music production software. I've only published a few simple Electronic Dance Music tracks. After spending hours making music, I have really grown to appreciate the amount of effort that professional producers put into perfecting their tracks

Warcraft 3 Maps
I've created maps for the classic RTS game called Warcraft 3. You can find all of my maps on Hive Workshop.