Green Bay Packers

Please create a green & yellow theme based on the Green Bay Packers

Simple Gold


I would like a simple gold layout for the k65 that every now and then a gold sheen will shoot across the keyboard, thank you!

Rainbow Rain Splash


Like the default rain from corsair but every time you tap a key a rainbow comes out just like the ripple type effect. Support for all devices

Elite Dangerous Keymap


You probably wont do this, but worth a shot aye? since i only got a strafe keyboard today i still have yet to find out how to make profiles that match up to games and whatnot, but im just asking if you can make me a profile that matches the core functions and controls of elite dangerous. thanks in advance :)

Mainly orange theme with blue accents and some effects for specific keys like home, page up, etc for stuff like the hyperdrive, boost, night vision, etc. Can provide the game's standard keybinds for functions if necessary and videos of old incompatible profiles with effect examples. Would probably be pretty work intensive but there's not even one profile in the web for ELITE: Dangerous that works in iCUE, and as much as I've tried, any attempts at making one just end up busy as hell and ugly as sin :c