Maive Paladins Keymap

A Paladins theme. The Keys I usee are WASD, SHIFT, and R ifd you can do stuff like that, and if you can two profiles. One is a character called Maeve (If you can make this one the most detailed one.) Then the lasst one is a character named Ying. Below I will post Links to Maeve an Ying pictures. (Maeve) Now Ying

AC Oddyssey Key Map

I would love a full rgb key map for AC Odyssey. Sort of like the main rainbow profile that comes with the K95 Platinum but with the main keys another color that stays one color or somehow predominant. I know it's probably confusing lol I have a K95 kb and glaive mouse

Neon (12 Profiles)

A set of 12 Cyberpunk/Neon/Retro profiles.

Candy Cane Wave

Request 1:
A version of Candy Cane where the colored bands move along the devices kind of like marquee lights

Request 2:
Christmas Candy cane light profile ( but it is animated by the whole design is moving left or right like (