Red Thunderstorm


"kind of the like the lightning effect from Schwitz's Thunderstorm profile but red :)"



"Hello. Was wondering if you was able to make up a fire/charcoal/furnace style profile. A lot of the Fire/Flame ones I've seen are just solid reds and oranges, I was hoping for either more "glow" or flickering or something like that."

Corrosive-Blue EMP


"I would like to have your corrosive blue as the main lighting of the keyboard with the emp effect happening as a reaction for any keys pressed. Additionally, I would like to have the W,A,S,D keys, numbers 1 thru 6, the space-bar, left shift and left control keys breathe the whole time and not react with the emp effect."

Simple Typing


"Hey I was wondering if I could get a nice back-lighting on my k70 for in general typing, No real specification as to what the design is just nothing to crazy. a nice easy to look at background for typing and non gaming use. Thanks mate!"