Requests:"I am running a game called Star Citizen 3.0a which has 3 play modes within the game. I had a go at setting it up myself but I could not get my head around the CUE2 software. I would like to be able to set 3 different keyboard lightings for each play mode and toggle between them using the F10 key (which is not used within the game) My keyboard is the K65 LUX RGB. I have 3 screenshots of the CUE2 lighting that I would like set up, would it help to upload/e-mail them to you. I am happy for the keys to be lit in one colour to start with, I would change colours as needed. The screenshots are called 'On Foot', 'Ground Vehicle' and 'Flight'. Before the game starts I would like all keyboard lights on in white, and when the game starts I want the ‘On Foot' layout to be used. When the game exits I want the keyboard lighting to return to all keys lit white.""Please I would like you to do a full star citizen profile for strafe rgb"
Supported Devices
- K65,
- K70 ,
- K95,
- K95 Plat,
- Strafe,
- Mice,
- Polaris,
- Void,
- ST100,
- LL Fans,
- HD Fans,
- Hydro X,
- ML Fans,
- Vengeance Pro Ram,
- Internal Strips,
- K55,
- Spec Omega,
- Dominator Platinum Ram,
- Commander Pro,
- Lighting Node Pro,
- K68,
- SP Fans,
- Platinum Coolers