Created this profile request during this twitch stream:
Request: WoW Classic is about to come out, I just bought a K95 keyboard and would love a profile to fit a mage. (Arcane, Fire and Frost) and I just don't see much out there!
Supported Devices
- K65,
- K70 ,
- K95,
- K95 Plat,
- Strafe,
- Mice,
- Polaris,
- Void,
- ST100,
- LL Fans,
- HD Fans,
- Hydro X,
- ML Fans,
- Vengeance Pro Ram,
- Internal Strips,
- K55,
- Spec Omega,
- Dominator Platinum Ram,
- Commander Pro,
- Lighting Node Pro,
- K68,
- SP Fans,
- Platinum Coolers